Our Ideas Festival
Inspired by the Do Lectures (where this photo was taken) and TED, we have been running rural Ideas Festivals for leaders in the food, farming and the rural landscape. The brainchild of Jane Craigie, the first festival was held in the summer of 2016 at Loch Levens Larder in Scotland and the second in the autumn of 2017 at Gilkison Farm, near Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
The concept is simple – brilliant speakers with great stories to tell, all held on a beautiful farm somewhere in the world, serving stunning local food to inquisitive and can-do people. People who care about agriculture, the land and food.
The farming and rural economies have frequent challenges, as well as beguiling opportunities. Our events encourage the development of new ways of doing things. New ways to produce food, new markets, new innovations and new ways of thinking.
The events are all about sharing ideas and changing the status quo for a bolder, brighter future for our land.
Our next Ideas Festival will be held in the UK and will focus on rising talents amongst the rural youth. The event will tie in with a rural youth research project that we are currently working on.
Get in touch if you’d like to speak at any of our events, or fancy attending, or if you want us to organise one for you.