In the midst of a difficult season, BASF launches comprehensive weather and spraying planning tool, REVYWEATHER.
Frequent showers are creating ideal conditions for the rapid development of key diseases like septoria. Yet low temperatures, and short, intermittent periods of wet and windy weather are making crop protection difficult. Timing applications between weather events is tricky and the relatively cold conditions hampers the performance of many products on the market.
BASF’s new tool, REVYWEATHER, not only shows days when conditions are likely to be suitable for spraying, it highlights when Revystar® XE will provide full efficiency, in comparison to conventional azole chemistry.
“REVYWEATHER indicates that Revystar® XE will deliver full performance on each of the next seven days at Alex Borthwick’s 880ha farm in Lincolnshire,” notes Murielle Moille, cereal fungicide campaign manager. “It also shows that efficacy of a conventional product is likely to be compromised.”
“The REVYWEATHER is accurate and proven useful,” says Alex. “It’s gives us another insight.”
Murielle explains that the additional full-performance days stem from the product’s unique formulation. “It excels in conditions like we’re seeing now,” she says. “Crops will uptake Revystar® XE in relatively low temperatures and its quick inner-leaf uptake reduces the risk of rain compromising efficacy. When the sun does shine, rapid foliar uptake reduces the effect of high UV radiation accelerating degradation.”
“For those that are frustrated by this season’s weather and curious about how Revystar® XE could help, take a look at REVYWEATHER. It’s quick and easy to use. Enter your postcode and it’ll show you a forecast for up 15 days ahead, indicating whether you’d get strong performance from Revystar® XE and how that compares with the likely performance of conventional fungicides.”
With information going back to the 2020 season, growers can also explore historical data.
To watch a demo video visit:
To explore REVYWEATHER, go to:
Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use. For further product information including warning phrases and symbols refer to Revystar® XE contains mefentrifluconazole (Revysol®) and fluxapyroxad (Xemium®). Revystar®, Revysol® and Xemium® are registered Trademarks of BASF. © BASF 2021. All rights reserved.