RevyPro® is an innovative new fungicide from BASF, joining Revystar® XE as an additional Revysol® containing option in 2025. RevyPro® builds on the proven strength of Revysol® to give excellent efficacy, long lasting protection and outstanding flexibility across crops such as wheat and barley.
RevyPro® formulation
RevyPro® contains 50 g/l Revysol® and 100 g/l prothioconazole and is approved for use on all cereals except oats and offers growers flexibility with application timing, dose rate and mix partners when building their fungicide programmes.
Its unique formulation results in benefits which are greater than the sum of the performance of its active ingredients.
Rebecca Joynt, Senior Plant Pathologist, ADAS said, “RevyPro has good broad spectrum activity and will certainly help disease control across programmes. In ADAS trials we compared RevyPro with its component straight actives, Myresa (97 g/l of Revysol®) and Decoy (250 g/l) prothioconazole, we found there is a formulation benefit of using RevyPro. It gave greater control of Septoria, and higher yields than the equivalent tank mix.”
Jared Bonner, Business Development Manager, BASF said, “RevyPro’s unique formulation ensures it can be relied on to deliver broad spectrum control. It gives exceptional leaf and ear coverage, with rapid uptake getting both the Revysol and prothioconazole components into the leaf faster than other prothioconazole products. This ensures better protection from wash-off and UV degradation whilst enabling quicker activation of prothioconazole resulting in enhanced disease activity.”
RevyPro® in Wheat
RevyPro® is the partner of choice for wheat tank mixes. Combining RevyPro® with other modes of action (MoA) bolsters the performance of mixture partners when targeting Septoria and rusts, delivering a more balanced mix.
Rebecca Joynt said, “ADAS did trials comparing 1L/ha Questar (fenpicoxamid) + 1L/ha RevyPro to 1.25L/ha Univoq (fenpicoxamid+ prothioconazole). We found that the Questar + RevyPro treatment gave a reduction in Septoria and in some places a yield response associated with that, compared to the Univoq treatment.”
Jared said, “As the ADAS trials have shown, when in mixes RevyPro boosts the level of disease control and enhances the performance of the mix partner it is used with. Because of RevyPro’s efficacy growers can be flexible with dose rates, allowing the dose rate of higher resistance risk actives to be lowered whilst keeping performance levels the same or better. This delivers both resistance management and cost benefits to the grower.”
For resistance management purposes when targeting Septoria, RevyPro® should be used in a mix with another product containing a different MoA group to triazoles that control Septoria.
RevyPro® in barley
RevyPro® provides well balanced disease control covering all major barley diseases; net blotch, Rhynchosporium, rust and ramularia.
David Leahy, Business Development Manager, BASF said, “RevyPro’s flexibility means it can be used either at T1 or T2 as a standalone product, with rates in the range of 0.75 – 1.0L/ha or it can be mixed with SDHIs or strobilurins if a grower is faced with a particular disease issue.
In order to maximise both winter and spring barley yields it is absolutely crucial to get the basics right. To help growers with this, BASF in collaboration with ADAS, Teagasc, SRUC, and NIAB have compiled the Barley Agronomy Guide.
To download the Barley Agronomy Guide click here: BARLEYGUIDE_2025 FINAL_digital or visit Barley Crop Management