Press Releases

Monitor Farm programme launches Contract Farming Agreement Q&A Guide

Monitor Farm programme launches Contract Farming Agreement Q&A Guide

With Contract Farming Agreements (CFAs) growing in popularity in Scotland, the Monitor Farm programme has just published an in-depth Q&A Guide on the topic, aimed at helping farmers and contractors understand more about the opportunities and challenges involved....

Sowing the seeds: Farmstrong for all ages

Sowing the seeds: Farmstrong for all ages

The nation’s top young farmer, Abby Forsyth, has thrown her weight behind Farmstrong Scotland and believes it’s vital all ages learn to look after their wellbeing… Although she was pulled in all directions timewise at the recent Royal Highland Show, Scottish...

Finishing beef bulls at grass cuts costs at Deeside Monitor Farm

Finishing beef bulls at grass cuts costs at Deeside Monitor Farm

Farmers from across Scotland this week came to hear how Deeside Monitor Farmers Duncan and Claire Morrison are finishing their mainly Stabiliser beef bulls at grass in a ground-breaking trial at Upper Ingliston farm near Inverurie. Visitors at the Monitor Farm summer...

Risk vs reward – is the balance shifting for OSR?

Risk vs reward – is the balance shifting for OSR?

Currently there is a good market for oilseed rape from both price and demand standpoints and given that many growers are familiar with this agronomically beneficial break crop there are many good reasons to consider giving it a place in the rotation. Huge demand The...