Young agribusiness talent sought for AgriScot Business Skills competition 2024

9 Sep 2024

AgriScot, the UK farm business event held near Edinburgh in November, has launched its 2024 Business Skills competition with a cash prize of £1000.

Open to ages 18-25, the competition is designed to identify and develop the best young agribusiness talent from across the UK, providing participants with the opportunity to demonstrate their business acumen and innovative thinking in the agricultural sector.

The 2024 competition will focus on the theme of ‘how multiple income streams can contribute to business resilience’.

AgriScot Chair, Robert Neil, welcomed the next competition and highlighted its importance:

“The Business Skills competition challenges young people to think creatively and strategically about how to run businesses in agriculture, enhancing their skills and confidence to drive the industry forward. The focus on building business resilience through diverse income streams is very topical as we see farming businesses across the UK thinking and operating differently in order to stay relevant and profitable in a changing agricultural landscape.”

The competition, which is sponsored by NFU Mutual and organised by Heather Kerr at Scotland’s Rural College SRUC with support from Young Farmers at SAYFC, kicks off with an initial short written application on this topic.

Those who make the shortlist will be invited to participate in live challenges and discussions on a farm in October, where their business skills and understanding of agribusiness issues and opportunities will be assessed in real time .

The finalists from this stage will then meet ahead of AgriScot to complete a final task to identify a winner, who will receive £1000 cash prize . All finalists will also be invited to a dinner before AgriScot providing an opportunity for industry networking.

The Business Skills competition launches on Monday 9th September. Young people in the industry interested in participating are encouraged to apply and take advantage of this unique opportunity to showcase their talents and gain valuable industry experience.

To learn more about the AgriScot Business Skills competition and to submit an application, visit